able to interactwith my daugther well. able to motivate my daugther to learn
Excellent tutor
Elise knows the subject well I see her as a friend who guides me and also she advices me on wht I should be doing i really like her she […]
Very committed, dedicated, responsible & Friendly
Miss Tan is a good and patient teacher, she will explain until my son understand. Very committed, dedicated, responsible & Friendly.
Fantastic Tutor
My daughter adores her. She is not intimidating due to her adorable demeanour & yet knows the subject well to direct my daughter. My daughter sees her as a friend […]
Excellent Tutor
My daughter has benefitted greatly from her guidance in the area of Chemistry. Now, my daughter has a much better understanding in this subject & is no longer afraid of […]
Committed, Dedicated, Responsible & Hardworking
Very committed, dedicated, responsible & hardworking young man
Made learning fun for our son
Jessie has made learning fun for our son and we have already noticed a difference in his writing and commitment in only 2 weeks. Our son looks forward to his […]
Bring out the best in her student (my Daughter)
Teacher Victoria has a passion for this role and is working hard to bring out the best in her student (my Daughter). Her efforts are appreciated. Wishing her all the […]
Dedicated, Committed, Hardworking & Responsible
Very dedicated, committed, hardworking & responsible young man. Able to communicate effectively with teenagers to gain their confidence. Excellent!!
Plays the role as an elder sister
She plays the role as an elder sister to guide my daughter. Well done.